Over 30 years ago two small local walking groups amalgamated to form St Albans Rambler.
In 2024 we are more active than ever! In a typical year we have 3 – 4 local walks of varying lengths each month, 4 – 5 UK walking holidays varying from 2 to 5 days away and at least one adventurous walking week abroad.
If you are thinking of joining, we invite you to ‘try before you buy.’ If you prefer you can join us for a couple of day walks to see how you like it. For more details about the group and how to become a member, just contact us.
Contact details for walk leaders are shown in the bi-monthly newsletter sent by email to all members. Members also receive a round robin email about ten days before a walk giving full details for joining walks – time, place, leader details.
If you would like to try a walk before you join, contact us for joining instructions and locations. The walk leader will look out for you, especially if you are new to SAR.
If you’re unable to come please try to let the organiser know, so we don’t keep the whole party waiting. Most organisers can give you a mobile phone number.
Our leaders take all reasonable care for the safety of the party and first aid kits are carried with basic equipment in them. If you need specific medical items, please bring them with you. It’s your responsibility to see that you are properly equipped, to take responsibility for your own safety and that of others. If in doubt ask the leader what you might need in the way of equipment. SAR has appropriate Public Liability Insurance but you should have your own personal accident cover.
Express interest! Helps us get a handle on likely numbers. It does NOT constitute a firm booking, but if you express an interest and subsequently find you are unable to go, please let the leader know that you will not now be coming as this will help with planning.
Book now! To secure a place you need to confirm your participation with the named contact and pay a deposit as per instructions in the Newsletter or send a deposit cheque payable to St Albans Rambler.
All monies paid to SAR are accepted on the understanding that members agree the terms in the Finance Policy.
Fully booked! If you’re interested in an event flagged fully booked, it is worth contacting the event contact. Participants sometimes drop out , especially for events planned a long way in advance. We may still be able to find you a space.
And apologies if you find many events fully booked. We have to work well in advance to secure the accommodation we want, especially at peak times.
Please contact us if you have an idea for a walk or event or have seen a good place to stay. Even if you don’t want to organise or lead, we can pass ideas on for further investigation.
If you’d like to lead a day walk for us, or help to run an away event, we have guides to help you and can provide a ‘buddy’ to get you started.
Like what you see?
Contact us to find out more and for a membership pack.
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